Stewards’ Membership Form

To be a steward at Somerstock we need to ensure that you are covered by our insurance. We will therefore need to make you a Member of the Somerton Music & Arts Festival, the community interest company that runs Somerstock.

The purpose of this Company is to provide activities and events that promote music, art and culture in Somerton through a varied programme of concerts, talks, performances and activities for people living in Somerton and visitors to our town. Somerstock is one of these events.

The Company is not established or conducted for private gain: any surplus or assets are used principally for the benefit of the community in meeting the purpose stated above.

As a Member, you will be liable for the sum of £1.00 in the event of anything going horribly wrong! You will only be asked to contribute this sum if the Company is wound up.

You can cease to be a member at any time by notifying the Company Secretary at at any time but your £1 liability will continue for a further twelve months following your resignation.

Please complete the membership form below before Monday 1st July in order to apply to be a “Member” of the Somerton Music & Arts Community Interest Company.

If you prefer to download the form you can do so by using this link. Please print the form, fill in your details and post to:

Alex Stannett, 7 Seven Acres, Somerton, TA11 5HF

Stewards’ Membership Form

This form must be completed and submitted by 1st July 2025. We can unfortunately not accept any stewards who have not completed the form.

If you wish to cease being a Member at some point in the future, please notify the Company Secretary in writing, by emailing Ewan McGregor at